OJS Upgrade And Benefits

PKP-OJS is an open source software program and had traveled a long successful journey. It was introduced in the year of 2001 and the first version was OJS 1.0 (.tar.gz)  OJS was designed to facilitate publisher to publish their journal with more easiness and professionalism. It makes simple the peer review/blind review, editing process and openn access publication of periodicals and monographs by providing a framework and technical infrastructure.

Along with the time to meet with requirements and advancements in the publication industry, PKP oJS has released the updated versions. The recent version released is Download OJS 3.2.1-2. The reson behind updation has been given:- The newer version offers more security from spammers/hackers, malicious code distributors, and data thieves. More plugins introduction to improving the functionality. To cope with the server updated requirements, so that site could be run smoothly with improved compatibility. The OJS Upgrade also makes sure you are kept up-to-date with the latest developments and new plug-ins as each new OJS release comes with enhanced features and changes to the software Before any OJS upgrade.

Upgrade Plan

we will take a complete backup of your database and essential files. This ensures that if anything goes wrong during the OJS upgrade process; we can roll back the OJS upgrade to your current installation. We will then proceed with updating your OJS core files and database to the latest stable OJS version.


See Pricing
For Single Journal 
Data Import and DOI linking – $5/article


Multiple Journal
Data Import and DOI linking – $5/article

Improved Security

With over 10,000 OJS being used worldwide, OJS is a popular target for hackers, malicious code distributors, and data thieves. Each new release of OJS is designed to fix any security vulnerability as reported by the OJS user community.

Improved Performance

Each new release is also designed to fix any bugs to ensure improved performance, speed, and to better protect your data by reducing software malfunctions.

Improved Compatibility

Every OJS installation requires a server environment in order to function (PHP sever, MySQL/ PostgreSQL, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.). The OJS Upgrade is necessary in order to keep the software compatible with its server environment.

Improved Functionality

The OJS Upgrade also makes sure you are kept up-to-date with the latest developments and new plug-ins as each new OJS release comes with enhanced features and changes to the software.